Tuesday 8 December 2009

This is the inside of my DVD cover. As the box is going to be a clear one, you can see through where the disc is placed in the box. I have chosen to just have a brick wall behind it.

This is my front and back cover of my DVD for 'School Boy'. On the front is the artist, I wanted the artist to be on the front to try and sell himself more. I have chosen for him to be up against a brick wall to reflect the genre of music he creates. I am going to use three images of him, one where he is facing straight on to the camera, one that is from a side angle from the right and the last one the same but from the left.

Friday 4 December 2009

DVD Cover

For the past three lessons, we have been working individually on our DVD covers. We also have had to start a poster for a magazine. In these we had to include, the artist name, the album title, the release date. For our DVD case we had to make up our own songs instead of using the song names of the artists song we had chosen.

DVD Covers

Before starting our DVD covers we had to sit down and watch our video through again and choose something we could put in our cover and poster to link it to our video. I chose to use our artist on the front of mine. I wanted to put him infront of a brick wall to show the hip hop genre.