Monday 26 April 2010

My Finished Music Video

This is the final edit of my music video of 'School Boy - Hold On'.

Sunday 21 March 2010

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

When creating my music video, I used various different media technologies within the construction of my video, research and planning and evaluating stages of my project. Some of them I found easier to use than others. Such as using the Mac computers, i found this really hard as i had never really used one before. However, when it came to filming, i found this easier as i had got used to how to use the camera.

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the stages of creating my music video, I have used many different technologies through both hardware and software. An example of the hardware I used is an Apple Mac, We used a programme called Final Cut on this to create our whole video. At first I found getting used to a Mac quite difficult as you go about doing things compltely different to normal computers however after a while of using it myself and watching how other people in my class use it, I began to get used to a different way of doing things.

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

As I was at the research and planning stage of my work I thought that creating a moodboards of artists from the genre we were with on was helpful as I was able to become more familiar with how the artists dress, how they present themselves and how they use colour and text on their CD covers to sell themselves.

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Story boards are a really good way to show what you want to achieve in your work. As we had changed our whole video after we had finished our story boards for the second time, we uploaded them onto our blog. I think this is important as it shows we had thought carefully about what we wanted in our video. Its also breaks up all the writing on my blog and making it more pleasing to look at.

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To help me get a better understanding of my genre during my research stages, i used serval sites to help me, the one I used the most would have to be YouTube. This is a site where you can upload videos and the public can comment on them if they wish. Some of them will be official music videos and others can just be one users have uploaded themselves. I found using this site helped a lot when trying to gather information about my genre and other genres and was ables to see what you would expect to see in a music video. This allowed me to start thinking of ideas in my head.

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

A technology I found really hard to use was Final Cut Express. This is a programme that allows you to edit, add effects and transitions to your videos. Having never previously used it meant learning how to do simple things on it was tricky as you have to use both the keyboard and the mouse which gets quite confusing as you have to rememebr all the differnet things you have to press for each command. I spend some time with lee after school helping him edit and the more we did it I began to get a better understanding of how you use it.