Sunday 21 March 2010

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

When creating my music video, I used various different media technologies within the construction of my video, research and planning and evaluating stages of my project. Some of them I found easier to use than others. Such as using the Mac computers, i found this really hard as i had never really used one before. However, when it came to filming, i found this easier as i had got used to how to use the camera.


  1. You need to expand on this its too brief! JIN

  2. The posts below now address this.JIN

  3. Sarah-Jane, You've covered all areas in a lot of depth, sometimes its a bit waffly though. Your research and planning material shows excellence in its organisation of your package. In particular you discuss in detail your decision making process regarding your DVD cover. Your evaluation shows excellence understanding in the key areas. Your products are successful in targeting your audience and show the generic conventions. JIN
