Tuesday 2 March 2010

Artist in our video

Finding someone to be the artist in our video was really hard because noone wanted to be filmed. Then lewis in our class agreed to do it. He fits into our genre as he is mixed race and he knew what body language to use in the video. He also likes this genre of music which helped him get into the role of the artist. We printed the words off for him so he could learn them for us. However, when it came to the actual filming he didnt feel like he knew the words properly and didnt want to do it anymore. After this happened we realised we had picked a really hard song to create our own video to as the words were quite fast and hard to say in the song. We had to ask lots of other people to see if they would do it, but we couldnt find anyone. When we finially did find someone who agreed to do it, we only had a couple of days for them to learn the words but again, when it came to filming they didnt think they could say the words fast enough because they didnt have very long to learn them.


  1. How does Lewis suit or not! your genre? This must be developed.JIN

  2. Situation detailed and it seems in the end Lewis did act in your video. JIN
