Sunday, 21 March 2010

Question Four - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Another use of technology I used was ‘’, this is a website that allows you to upload, edit and share blogs with others. This is a very good way of keeping people up to date on where you are at and whats the latest you have done. This meant throughout all the stages of my work I was able to upload my storyboards, sketches of my DVD cover, inside and poster, my plans of what to do nexts and also write blogs on what I had already done. This site allows you to upload images, videos and music soundtracks, this is good as you can make your blog more interesting that just writing. Another good thing about this site is it allows people to comment, this means you can get feedback without pysically showing someone your work and they can just see it online. Also it allows the viewer to easily see the progress you have made throghout your work.

1 comment:

  1. Ok- you've covered the main ones here- why didnt you use some images though? The posts seem a bit dull. JIN
