Tuesday, 29 September 2009

This shot is showing the special effects used in this video. it also shows the continuity editing as you can see the man take the coat off that he had on in the previous screen shots.
The special effects were really effective because it shows the juxtaposition of the video.

This also follows continuity as it is teh same place and the man is still wearing the same coat as he was wearing. Even though it is a mid shot, it is an interesting angle to look at as it is unusual.

This screen shot sets the scene for the rest of the video. it is set in a tunnel with cars driving past. The man is wearing a cheap looking coat with fur around the hood. Continuity is shown in the video through him wearing this coat the whole way through.

Genre Of Our Song

- Indie / Electronic
- Indie music is usually guitar bases but not as heavy as rock music
- Electronic muis is music that uses electronic musical instruments and electronic music
- Technology in its production
- Unusual
- Special effects

Here are four images i have print screened from the official 'Hold On' video. They are all split screened shots. I like these shots because they make the video more interesting to watch. This is because where they have used split screens and changed teh speed of teh video, it make sthe audience look all around teh screen instread of in one place, this keeps the audience interested in what going on and wanting to carry on watching. I also like the way some bits of the video are blurry, this gives a nice effect and makes you wnat to know whats going to happen next. Where they have mix and matched what they have in on screen has been thougth about well, as seeing both artists in the same screen allows us to see teh song is by both of them.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Comparision of Three Genres

Music Video Questionnaire

1. Age (Please tick one box)

10-15 16-24 25-35 36-50 50+

2. Gender (Please tick one box)

Female Male

3. What is your favourite genre?

Pop Grime RnB Indie Drum & Bass

4. Do you watch music videos?
Yes No

5. If so, how often? ___________________________________________________________

6. Who is your favourite artist (if you have one)? ____________________________________________________________

7. Do you prefer to watch boy bands or girl bands?
Girl Boy

8. Would you rather, a slow moving video or a fast video? (Please rate, 10 being the fastest)
1 ________________________________________________________ 10

9. Do you enjoy the video when it follows the lyrics? ___________________________________________________________

10. Do effects in the video make a difference to how you view it?

Yes No

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