Wednesday 21 October 2009


From watching our footage, as a group we decided we needed to film more where the person in the video is miming the song. To get more out of the lesson, we decided that two of us would stay in the classroom and edit what we had, whilst the other two went out and filmed. Megan and Lee stayed in the classroom and edited and myself and lauren took a camera outside to film Lewis.
We walked around the school trying to find a good place to film without much of a background to fit in with the 'grime' location. The place we found was around the corner behind the sports hall, here we set up the camera, in this shot you could only see a fence and trees behind Lewis, this is what we wanted. As Lewis didnt really know all teh words of the song yet, he only did the bits he did know. After we had filmed, we looked over it. We decided that doing this did work we just needed to get him to say exactly the same words at the right speed for our video.

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