Thursday 1 October 2009

Low Budget Music Videos

The Maccabees
• Fast Shots
• Paint
• Pins (Different Colours)
• Negative and colour effecting effects
• You don’t see who the people are
• Stop Motion
• High Angle
• Montage
• Plain Outfits
• Paper As Walls

• A child – Cute school uniform
• Jump Cuts
• Repetition
• Time of Drums
• Contrast
• One Running Shot
• Reversing

• Blurry
• A Field
• Upside down shots
• Spinning
• Police Tape
• Landscape
• Close Ups Of Faces – Emotions
• Narrative Based
• Natural Light

Hifand – Bonzeye Cooking
• Goes with the beat
• Funny
• Cheap and easy to find props (Knives)
• Cheap Location
• 3 Main Characters
• Edited Well
• Same Costume Throughout (Cheap)
• Creative
• No Natural Light
• No Storyline
• Cartoon Effect
• Light Sabre Effect
• Over Exaggerated Characters

Here are some music videos we watched as a class to see how you can make an effective music video even if you do have a low budget, this gave us some ideas of what we could do for ours. We took notes of what we saw in each video.

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